Thursday, January 9, 2014

Firsties Are STILL Fantastic...

even though I have been sorely neglecting this poor little blog! Let's just say that it has been a busy year! I was all ready to gear up for another year in the classroom and my plans changed quite a bit. Instead of having my own classroom this year, my principal asked me to be a "floater" teacher who offers support to students in the first grade and 1/2 multiage classrooms in our school this year.

At first, I hesitated. Not having my own classroom!? What would my day look like!? Where would I put all my stuff!? But then I sat down and thought about it for about 5 minutes and decided that this would be awesome to try out. It's been a great learning experience working with so many students, learning to be flexible, and getting to collaborate with so many teachers this year. I don't know what next year will look like for me, but I'm enjoying this role in the meantime.

Besides a change in my normal role at work, I also got pregnant and am now 33 weeks preggo!
We also moved into a new house at the beginning of December! So I have had a lot going on, which means that I have spent less time creating things for TPT, looking at blogs, and blogging myself.

However, that does not mean I haven't been making some fun things to share with teachers at school and I finally have some time to share them with you, too!

I just posted a Roll & Cover game for helping students practice adding 3 numbers. There are 4 game boards, which you could use during centers or math game time in your classroom.
Just click on the link to check this out in my TPT store. :) 

Hopefully I will have some time to post the Place Value Memory game that I made for my team in the near future.

Happy New Year, everyone!